Synopsis - “Dance Battle” short
This is a quick scene taking place in the middle of an intergalactic tournament where our hero Tess and her ragtag group of Earthling heroes (and their shapeshifting alien cat) face off against larger than life monsters. In the last round, Tess barely scraped by a win against a tough opponent, and now DBiz is up to the plate facing off against SLIME, a giant slime monster. Can he hope to win?
For the slideshow above, click the arrow to scroll through the boards.
At A Glance
Below the boards are exported out in grid form so that you can read the story at a glance.
Tie-Downs Below:
These tie-downs are from before I had a notes session with the brain trust, a group of board artists and aspiring board artists that meet monthly and critique each-others work. The group gave me some really great notes and I folded them into the cleanups in the final work.
Thumbs below: